
Client Feedback

Hello G, I received the two buddhas and I like them very much. I will continue to look at your items for other pieces that might interest me. Thanks also for the great packing. Kind regards,

Thanks again G. I think your website is really the best and largest source on different Buddha statues.

Dear G I received in good order my Buddha statue number 3124 UE. My wife and I love it. It exceeded our expectations. Do you still have the information on the history of this piece as I seem to have misplaced in and all my visitors ask. Thank you many times over.

Dear G At Friday the 28.5.2004 a big crate arrived at our home. The item is in excellent shape and I am very happy about your professionalism - thanks a lot.
I wish you all the best. Have a nice day and kind regards (On the attached picture you can see the Buddha, called "Bubbah" by my little daughter)

Cher G, Today your sitting Ayuthaya Buddha arrived here. No need to say that I find it immensely beautiful. I am going to have to find a very prominent place for it in our home (which is getting more and more difficult with every new statue coming in). Of course, it arrived here in best shape, completely unharmed and without any bruises at all. Thanks a lot.
I just took another look at the new Ayuthaya I received from you. It is such a joy for ma to be able to see such a beautiful piece every day from now on.
It is much more beautiful than the photo (oftentimes, it is just the other way around). Best wishes,

Dear G, You are like a Swiss precision watch movement - I like your fast communication style ;-) Best regards

Hello G, Your package from Thailand containing my carved kapala has arrived safely at it's new home in the United States. I am very pleased with it. Now that we have successfully conducted this transaction, I hope you will keep me in mind when future Tibetan Buddhist tantric ritual items become available. Please keep in touch and I will do the same. Thanks for the suggestion about the book on tantric Buddhism. Best Regards,

I have received the item and all I can say is that it is more wonderful than I thought. Thank you very much!!!!! and thank you for the tracking numbers as well. Thanks again,

Dear G I have received Somkiart Lopetcharat's book on Buddhas. Stunning! I am having a friend who reads Thai help me through the book.
Very best regards,

Dear G Good news,the Buddha has arrived in Bristol today March 12th.It was beautifully crated,and was in excellent condition,what a weight!!!Many thanks for all the hard work that you put in at your end,I am only sorry that the English end did not appear to be as efficient.The customs duty worked out well,and I only had to pay $85.I am very pleased with the piece and at the moment it has pride of place in my entrance hall.Hope to buy something again from you in the near future,but this time maybe something smaller!!Regards

Dear G, the Hsun ok came today, breathtaking, beautiful,one can feel the power of this item. i must say your packing job was most complete,it took me a full 20 mins to open. we joked that the Mars rover was'nt as protected as this item was!! Yes it feels so holy and powerful when i hold it. The top is a little wobbly but i expected that this would happen, iam most pleased. This will be the first of many items i hope to buy from you,thank you G may we meet again really soon!

Dear G, Budda arrived today. Very nice. Would like to thank you for the quick response and the save delivery to Switzerland . Best regards,

Cher Mr, Nous avons finalement reçu les bouddha hier et sommes très heureux de notre achat. Ils sont très beaux, Merci. Nous referons des affaires ensemble dans un proche avenir, c’est certain.

G, the sculpture arrived yesterday in perfect condition. It is quite beautiful. Thanks for the care in packaging and shipping arrangements. I will return soon to the site for future purchases. Very Kind Regards

Got the two buddas in Boston - Thank you - in time for Xmas gifts


Lieber Georges, everything arrived today.
Je suis ravi !!!! Both guys are very nice, the Lopburi is really great. Best regards,

Bonjour, j ai bien reçu le colis avec un emballage extra donc pas de casse. je vous remercie.

G, I just want to let you know that I have received the shipment of goods that you sent to me, and that everything arrived intact. Thanks so much for your efforts on my behalf, and for making sure that everything was so well packed for shipment. I'm really going to enjoy these interesting items

Aloha G, YAY!!!
They arrived in perfect condition! You did a great job in packing them up so tight and safe!
Thank you so much, I love them.
I look forward to our continued friendship.
Mahalo Nui Loa!

Hello G, Thanks for your reply
First of all, I just want to let you know how much I admire your customer service ! I would highly recommend your site and feel absolutely comfortable buying from your site again.
Thank You for taking care of the problem.

Sawatdee G,
The package arrived this morning, everything safe and sound. Boy that was fast! Thank you!!! I continue to pray all is well with you and yours. Namaste,

Hi G!
Paul delivered our Tall Mandalay Buddha earlier today!!It's absolutely FANTASTIC!!!It now stands in a corner of our front foyer.Thank you so very much for the BEAUTIFUL Buddha!!!Both my husband and I LOVE IT!!! I'll be back for more of your great stuff when we have more cash! Take care, be well, and very best wishes -- Dolores:-)

Dear G:
I received the amulet today and it is beautiful.Thanks so much for being such a kind person.I also received an email from your agent in Massachusetts today stating the amber Buddha is on its way.I just wanted to let you know and say that I appreciate doing business with you.I collect Buddhas so I will come back.Thanks. Janet

Hi G,
They made it!I pitied them smothered in those large crates, and opened them up to get fresh air ASAP. They are BEAUTIFUL -- like museum pieces!I joked with friends that if I didn't like them I would resell them to a seafood restaurant.(I will keep this a secret from the girls!)Instead they will become family heirlooms, although my ten year old son asked why they were naked!I will sew them bikini tops until he's old enough to understand (not too long from now)! Anyway thank you for being so fun to email and humoring my need to personify these exquisite items that you so carefully sent to me.I hope to buy from you again. Merci beaucoup! Pam

Bonjour Georges!
J'ai bien reçu aujourd'hui le billet commandé. Je garderai, en votre faveur, une appréciation positive de cette transaction sans anicroche. Dans l'attente de prochaines affaires en commun Amicalement Jack

Talking about the folk Lao and about many other statues I bought from you. It is no exaggeration to say that all of them brought more light into my everyday life. The folk Lao has found a wonderful place in a kind of guest room along withfew other statues (among others the small kitschy alabaster buddha everybody around here is so very fond of -- sometimes I go there just to take another look [I really do, you may not believe it]). When I sit in one of my offices, the one I normally work at, I can see the breathtaking wooden Mandalay in all its splendor on my left. It unfolded its splendor from day to day. At the beginning, it appeared to be a little somber. But now, everytime I look at it, it looks a little more beautiful that the time before. And do you still remember the three bronze Lopburi statues? I think they were about the first statues you sent. They are on my right, on a kind of open balcony that opens on the right of this office. They change throughout every single day. On sunny days, they display a spectacular change of light and shadow. And when the sun sets, which always is extremely romantic in the Bodensee area, they turn almost orange in the light of the declining sun. To cut this long story short: I am extremely happy with the statues I bought from you. They mean much more than a little decoration of our home. Somehow they make my everyday life better. Perhaps you're like to hear that.

Hi Georges,
Thanks for the kramas, we recieved them yesterday.They will work great for us.It was a pleasure doing business will you- Dan

Bonjour Georges
Les "bracelets de palanquin" sont arrivés hier et je les trouve magnifiques. Avec mes remerciements je vous renouvelle mes félicitations pour la beauté des objets proposés et tous mes voeux d'excellente réussite. Bien cordialement. Gérard

Hi Paul,
Just to say that I have received the package today -- no problems!! Please thank Geovalin for me -- the pieces are fascinating and in good shape. Much appreciation to you both for arranging the shipment and good packaging. All the best, John

Hi Georges.
I received my package today and it arrived in fine condition.The items are usual !!!You found me some really nice ones! The one you called … is quite unique and I would like to find some more of those if that is possible. Thanks so very much for the great quality of items that you always send me and the great prices as well.Jesse.

Hi Georges,
Just to let you know that the Guman Tong arrived safely earlier this week.I am extremely pleased .... the real one is far better than the pictures.Very many thanks. Baest wishes, Charles D.

Dear Georges,
The Buddha ordered by me arrived last night. Thanks a lot. It is very beautiful and was sent on time and efficiently. Will consider ordering again from you in the future. Best Wishes, Indira Pradhan

Dear Georges,
Buddha is perfect. I am speechless with delight. He arrived a few minutes ago and we uncrated him under rain. When we lifted him out the box, the skies cleared and sunshine poured down. A marvelous casting. A wonderful piece. You have a fan and a loyal customer here. Very, very best regards,

The Buddha arrived on Sunday - hand carried to my parents' house! I was out of town and didn't actually get him until yesterday. He is beautiful; I am beyond delighted!! THANK YOU so much for taking such great care with him - he is perfect and exactly what I was looking for. Your extra gifts are beautiful and quite touched me. (So unnecessary - your concern and diligence in getting my Buddha to me means more than I can say.) Thank you so much. I will be working with you again. Have a wonderful week, month, year, etc.

I have to say the fellow I corresponded with was VERY helpful, there wasn't a thing he could have done better. I got the notion that he was genuinely trying to help me, without pushing the sale of any particular item. I'll be just as pleased I'm sure as soon as I receive my item. Thanks so much for being VERY helpful and VERY proper in your dealings, that method of business is something I really appreciate.

Just got the part you sent today, and it is BEAUTIFUL. Absolutely gorgeous I love it. Truly worth every penny I spent on it, and thats just looks alone. Thanks A whole lot and take care.

We do like the other pieces , the little figures have beautiful style, the prayer wheel will be perfect gift for my sisters temple area!!

Hello Georges.
Thanks for such a smooth transaction. This was my first time to order off of a website and was afraid of what might happen. You came through and I really appreciate your honesty. I am really looking forward to the pictures.
Thanks so much

Dear Georges,
I have received all the items. All of them are beautiful. Better than I expected. Thank you so much. I am looking forward to acquiring more items from you in the future.

Je viens de recevoir le Bouddha,
Il est magnifique!

I can't remember if I ever wrote to thank you for this Kapala. If not please accept my apologies and know that I am most appreciative to receive this incredible piece. Thank you. Namaste,

Dear Georges,
I wanted to let you know that U Thong was successfully installed at Malee's, the Thai restaurant we designed. He is prominently displayed behind the hostess stand in the entry on a beautiful alter. Every morning he receives prayers, incense and food for the day. On April 9, a Buddhist Monk will perform a welcoming ceremony to "open his eyes". Thank you so much for a smooth transition. He is beautiful.

Just to let you know I have received the tantric items. They are beautiful. Before I found your website I purchased a tantric skull. My concern is that the metal on the skull is shiney, looks much newer than the items I bought from you.

Hello Georges
The Image arrived and I got it this morning from the postoffice. It arrived in perfect condition and is very much to our liking. Thank you very much for the efficient handling. I shall not fail to contact you again.

Hi Georges,
I received my order through UPS today. I must say that I am very impressed with the quality and the workmanship. Will most likely be a repeat customer! Take care and thanks again!

Cher Georges,
In the meantime, I have been able to unpack all but one of the Buddhas. They are all in very good shape. I am even getting used toMr. Awful, the 10-armed monster. Do you have any information on it?What it is, what it represents, how old its is, what its meaning is? I would be interested to learn something about it. So thanks a lot for sending the statues. I am very satisfied. Andthanks a lot for being such an excellent business partner andreliable, good friend.

Just wanted to let you know that the gilded Kinari #1456502055, arrived safe and sound. It is, by far, one of the most interesting pieces I have ever seen. I love it! Thank you so much for all of your help and the efforts you took to get it to me safely.

arrived in great shape! And well packed, thanks!!

hello georges---
thank you, the food box arrived yesterday! you did a remarkable job of wrapping and packaging it, and i also thank you for both the asiatic dust and for the bangkok post newspaper which i enjoyed reading---especially the dining out guide, as i had just returned from a fine thai meal. the food box has now assumed its rightful place of honor in my home as a splendid attention-getting art form. thank you again for helping me in this endeavour. i will bookmark your website for future delights!

I received the item today (rhupa?). I love it! told you that you have impeccable taste. I am convinced you are absolutely charming. I cannot wait to purchase another item. Thank you... it truly is beautiful I am very happy with my acquistion. with warmest regards,

Yes, I received the sword.Overall I am quite happy with it.The blade needs some restoration because it is bent in 2 places but I think it will turn out in almost mint condition when it is finished.The silver script on the blade is nice too.It is not as detailed as some I have seen but it is better than many of them. The dhais obviously real and I would guess around 200 years old.Thanks very very much for such a nice item.

The skull caps arrived today in perfect condition. I've only seen items of this quality in museums before!!! It's been a pleasure doing business,

I received the US MPC Series $10.00 note in the mail May 15, 2000. Thank you very much for the very quick international shipping.

the piece arrived today, Feb. 15th.In a word it is stunning and much more impressive than I expected or hoped for.I was also surprised how quickly it arrived.Thank you for your time and efforts.

Eureka!!!!!! has arrived!!!(....) a head from Georgie!!I am in an ecstasy of delight!!

Dear Georges,
The beautiful Buddha arrived today. I am well pleased with it. I just thought of letting you know.

I am glad to do business with you again, because of the quality of merchandise that you carry and the ease of the transaction.

Hello Georges
The alter came today. Just wonderful. I did a little research and it appears to be a Jain sculpture. I really love it. I will certainly be doing more business with you. Love your website.

Hello Georges
The Buddha and Mr Redeyes came today. Just wonderful as always. When you get a chance could you please send jpgs of the Laos Buddhas.

Pol Pot currency arrived, and I am very grateful. It went very quick!

The dha came today, and I was very pleased!......thanks for all, and your speed!

Good day Georges Just received the prayer wheel from DHL. You did a great job packing. thank you. If you have other items you think I would be interested in, and can e-mail me or send me photos perhaps we can do more business together.

Georges !!!
It Arrived Today In My Mail Box.......!!! I Was Getting Concerned.....All For Not......!!! Every Thing Is Fine.......Nice Note...... Thank You....!! Respect,

Hello Georges
I just wanted to let you know that I received the dha on Sunday. It worked out perfectly, because Sunday was actually my boyfriend's birthday. The dha arrived just as we finished dinner. It is beautiful. Thanks so much for all your effort into getting the dha here on time.

Dear Georges.
The statue arrived while we were away from home. You did a wonderful job packing. Thanks for the excellent communications. D H

Hi Georges,
I got your picture yesterday. Thank you so much. I love these very much. I already put 2 paints in my room. It makes room so grate. It's not like my room anymore. Any way, I am so happy with your item. Thank you so much.

The bronze arrived in excellent condition. Good job! I have recommended your site to my friends, xxxxxxxxxx may be contacting you soon. He is a very fine person.

Dear Georges, my sitting Buddha is at home!
It's arrived today and I'm happy: it's really loveable. Tanks for all!

I got the skull Thursday morning at 11:00 my time, and I could not possibly be more thrilled. Many many thanks. I wanted to tell you personally that of all the people I've worked with through ebay, you are the most professional. I'll admit I was somewhat nervous, in that you are half a world away, and that the money was significant. My deepest apologies for that. Again, I'm very pleased with my purchase. I have seen a similar piece at least once before, so I realize that there are a few around.

Hello Georges,
Just to let you know....our "friend" arrived this morning, Sunday....I was totally shocked that the mail is delivered on Sunday. Anyway it arrived with a few pieces that fell off, but I put them back is MAGNIFICIENT and I am very pleased!!!!!!!!! A wonderful addition to my Skull collection....... Thanks for kept your word and that is important to me! Peace,

I received the snake god and the dancer. They are very nice. Excellent wrapping this time. It's been a pleasure doing business with you. Thank you very much,

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